
【卖】Wuxi Jiacheng bright

Wuxi Jia metal products Company Limited is a professional production of precision cold-rolled flat steel bright products of private owned enterprises.The company is located in the town of Wuxi money, close to Shanghai-Nanjing, Xiyi Expressway and 312 National Road, highway 342, the transportation is very convenient. Annual production capacity of 5000 tons.Companies to adopt the domestic advanced rolling technology, a high degree of automation, reliable product quality. The main production equipment has 165 continuous rolling,?? 132 continuous straightening and length-given cutting unit, as well as the surface processing equipment and heat treatment equipment. Products are widely used in machinery, light industry, building materials, hardware, standard parts and other industries. Product specifications according to customer. Product size precision is h9~h11 levels. The surface roughness of Ra 1.6~3.2. Products by the user\'s welcome.Company warmly welcomes domestic and foreign manufacturers and customers. To your needs as our goal, for your dedication to provide quality products and excellent service.
点击搜索: steel fl生产厂家
公司名称: 无锡市嘉成金属制品有限公司
联系地址: 无锡市钱桥镇南西漳盛路
省份城市: 江苏省无锡市
电话区号: 0510
联系电话: 83232858
联 系 人: 唐军
电子邮件: hs014@hs-cn.com
网 址: http://www.wxjcjs.com
发布日期: 2012年9月13日
点击搜索: steel fl生产厂家
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